Page 3 - HWTIPS_7-2016
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Page 3                                                       Health & Wellness TIPS

Summer Safety: Avoid Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke (cont.)

As stated earlier, heat stroke is a serious medical          since this may cause choking. If it is possible, take the
condition that can lead to death if it is not treated        person’s temperature with a thermometer and don’t
immediately.                                                 stop cooling until the person reaches 101-102
Signs and symptoms of heat stroke include:
 High body temperature                                      With proper treatment and returning the body
 Absence of sweating with hot red or flushed dry            temperature to a normal level, a person can survive
                                                             heat exhaustion and heat stroke just fine. Summer is
    skin                                                     fun. I want you to have a good time outside in the
 Rapid heart rate                                           warm/hot weather, but just know the signs and
 Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath                  symptoms for heat stroke and heat exhaustion and do
 Strange behavior such as hallucinations,                   your best to prevent them by:
                                                              Staying hydrated and replacing electrolytes with
    confusion, agitation, and disorientation
 Seizure                                                        sports drinks during times of high physical activity
 Fainting, and/or unresponsiveness.                          Taking breaks for re-hydration when spending

During a heat stroke, the body’s temperature can reach           long periods in the sun
levels of 106 degrees and needs to be cooled down. If         Wearing light weight, flowing clothes
you suspect heat stroke, call 911 immediately and             Resting when possible
while you wait for help, cool the person down by
placing them in a cool shady place, remove all heavy         Hot weather is what summer is all about, so let’s
clothing, spray the person with a light mist of cool         enjoy it and stay safe!
water, fan the person to treat and create
evaporation, which will help cool the skin. If the           Source:
person is unresponsive, don’t try to get them to drink       -summer-how-to-avoid-heat-exhaustion-and-heat-stroke/

Fight the Bite: Summer Bug Safety

Whether you garden, camp, hike or bike – however you         or is it a well-maintained area?
work or play outdoors – take steps to “fight the bite” of
annoying insects and bugs with these summer bug safety       Keep ticks away from recreational and play areas by:
                                                              Clearing tall grasses and brush around your home; in
Bug Safety: Ticks and Mosquitoes                                 the fall, remove leaf litter.

Ticks and mosquitoes are two bugs that carry bacteria,        Placing wood chips or gravel between lawns and
viruses and parasites which can cause serious illnesses,         wooded areas.
most notably Lyme disease and the West Nile Virus.
                                                             Another area to avoid includes stagnant pools of water
While many people may think that ticks aren’t found in       and mud puddles … perfect breeding grounds for
their yards or near their homes, this isn’t true. Ticks can  mosquitoes, especially those carrying the West Nile
easily be part of the landscape around your home or          Virus.
where you work. They live in moist and humid
environments. Wooded and grassy areas are prime              Bug Safety
                                                              Be aware of your surroundings and know where to
Take a look at the areas where you work and where your           expect different types of bugs and insects.
kids play: is it a wooded area thick with brush and leaves
                                                              The safest bug repellent is wearing the proper
                                                                 clothing – a full-brimmed hat, covered wrists and
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